Thursday, June 24, 2010

Calling all campers...

So we're in the process of tearing apart our motorhome to remodel it.  We'll be starting over from scratch, which means we can basically set the floor plan up however we want.  Ande and I are currently discussing the need for a shower in the RV. 

The current floor plan includes a shower.  However, we're wondering how necessary a shower really is, since we will not likely ever stay somewhere that is very far from "facilities".  (I'm sort of an 'indoor' kind of girl, so camping for me has to at least include a toilet & shower being available nearby). 

So...for any of you who are (or would be) campers, what do you think?  Ande spoke to a person at one of the car dealerships that he works at, and she said she and her husband have never used the shower in their RV.  I kind of think of it as one more think that can leak/break/malfunction in some way.

Jury's still out on whether or not the toilet will stay.  For the sake of convenience, I'm tempted to say "yes", but then I think of having to empty the tank and there's a resounding "NO!!!" that goes off in my head.  Your thoughts on this are welcome as well.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Didja ever

mis-read a recipe and add too much (or too little) of a vital ingredient?

Today I *might* have *possibly* added just a touch *or tablespoon* too much ground chipotle pepper to a new bbq pulled chicken recipe I was making for dinner.

Now I LOVE hot & spicy food, so this wasn't a problem for me.  I liked it pretty well, although the sauce was a little too thin for my taste.  However, the main judge, jury, and often executioner of new recipes has yet to try it, so I'm wondering what he'll think of it.

What could Ande be doing that he'd miss dinner, you ask?  He's working on "Old Bessie" once again.  Perhaps you're familiar with her, perhaps not.  Click here for a refresher.  And WOW, it's been over two years since we bought it?  WHOA.

She's nearly all stripped down to nothing and we'll be rebuilding her basically from scratch.  Yeah.  Wish us luck.  LOL